We offer a series of non invasive dermal therapies, including skin peels and Low Level Light Therapy (LLT, or better known as LED). Dermal therapies include the use of superficial and medium depth peels to address issues concerning pigmentation, acne and general skin rejuvenation. 


Medical grade peels are used to treat various clinical conditions. Common conditions treated include acne, pigmentation concerns such as freckles and melasma, sun damage, ageing and texture concerns.

Our peels are created by a compounding pharmacist to deliver the highest quality ingredients. Chemical peels work by breaking down protein in the skin cells resulting in peeling and exfoliation of the surface skin cells. There is usually some down time involved depending on the depth of the peel.

We offer both superficial and medium depth peels designed to meet your clinical need. A course of personalised peels will deliver optimal outcomes which can be advised by your treating doctor or therapist.

Peels can be combined with other treatments to create amazing results.


LLLT (low level light therapy) or LED is the therapeutic use of light emitting diode light to enhance your natural cellular recovery, promoting skin rejuvenation, improving healing times, and subsidising acne. This pain free and non invasive treatment delivers concentrated energy deep into your tissue, stimulating your body at a cellular level. LED can be used as a standalone treatment or can be customised as an adjunctive enhancement with other procedures.

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