Skin Cancer Clinic

Australians currently have one of the highest rates of skin cancers in the world, including melanomas. A majority of those cases occurs right here, in Queensland.

Skin Checks

A skin check is performed with a dermatoscope. It is an instrument that has both polarised and non polarised light to allow us to magnify and identify a skin cancer based on certain features including its shape, size, colour, blood vessel arrangements, and specific patterns. 

A treatment programme can be tailored for you after your appointment. We offer both surgical, and non surgical treatment options for skin cancers, including Photodynamic Therapy, topical immunotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. 

We encourage you to attend your skin check appointment with no make up on your face, no nail polish, and no fake tan (last application should be 2 weeks prior to attending) in order to maximise our chances of identifying any suspicious lesions.  

If you would like a skin cancer check, please book in with our doctors.

skin cancer

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy, or better known as PDT, is a form of non surgical treatment for skin cancer. PDT uses a red light commonly found in UV, and a chemical that is absorbed by the cancerous skin that reacts to the red light, causing its destruction. The types of skin cancers it can normally treat are actinic keratoses (commonly known as sun spots, which are actually pre-cancerous), superficial Squamous Cell Cancers, and superficial Basal Cell Cancers.

There are 2 ways PDT can be used. There is daylight PDT, which is better suited to treating larger surface areas like the whole face, and red-light PDT, which is better suited to treating smaller surface areas.


Daylight PDT is used mainly for the treatment of actinic keratoses. This involves a short half an hour appointment at the clinic, where your face is prepared using a light dermabrasion, and cleanse, followed by the application of a UV activated cream. Sunscreen is then applied over all other sun exposed areas. You are then advised to sit in the early morning sun for 2 to 3 hours. The cream is then washed off after. You do have to avoid the sun for 3 days after the treatment as the cream remains sensitive to the sun during that time. The procedure is usually well tolerated and patients generally do not require any pain medications.

Red light PDT is used for the treatment of small to medium sized superficial Squamous Cell Cancers, and superficial Basal Cell Cancers. With this treatment, you are asked to present to the clinic, where the UV activated cream is applied to the area, which is then covered from the sun. You are allowed to leave the clinic as long as you keep the area away from the sun. You are asked to re-present to the clinic after 4 to 6 hours. The skin cancer is then targeted with the red light under a machine for 8 minutes. A second treatment is done 1 to 2 weeks apart. Most people do experience a slight discomfort during the process, and we advise taking some Paracetamol prior to the procedure.


You will be sent home with a care pack after the procedure with a 1 month review.

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